
Conversion Rate Optimization (CRO) for PPC Campaign

Use Website Optimizer Experiments for Rate optimization:

A/B (Split) Testing:
Compares the performance of entirely different versions of a page. Use it if
  • You are able to publish a new page to test against an existing page
  • You want to test a new layout or overall look of a page

Multivariate Testing (MVT): Test content variations in multiple locations on a page. Use it if

  • Your page receives more than ~1,000 views a week
  • You want to try multiple content changes in different parts of the page simultaneously

You can test different headlines, different videos or a different call-to-action (CTA) on a single page. MVT helps you determine which mix of on-page elements generates the most conversions.

There are just a few simple steps in the process:
  • Create an experiment
  • Add tracking script to your original page, your test page and your conversion page
  • Validate the script
  • Start the experiment




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