
Google Squared : Adding Relevancy to Search

Taking the unstructured data across the Web across the Web and fetching query is hectic. It is easier to get answers out of a database where everything is neatly labeled, stamped, and categorized. Adding structure to the Web is one way to make sense of all that data, and Google is starting the tackle the problem with a Google Labs project called Google Squared, which Marissa Mayer mentioned earlier today at the company’s Searchology briefing.

Google Squared extracts data from Web pages and presents them in search results as squares in an online spreadsheet.


Mukesh May 13, 2009 at 12:09 PM  

Google is enhanching its search results and pages. Google have launched changes in SERP and many changes are in the lab. You can also get the search engine optimization and search engine marketing information from esearchclick.



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